
Dental Misconceptions

Breaking Myths: Debunking Common Dental Misconceptions


Dental care is important for maintaining oral health and ensuring overall well-being. However, there are numerous myths and misconceptions surrounding dental care that can be harmful if followed. In this blog post, we will break down some of the most common dental misconceptions and provide factual information to debunk them. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to take care of your teeth properly.

Myth 1: Brushing harder will clean your teeth better.

Many people think that brushing their teeth harder will result in better cleaning, but this is a misconception. Brushing too hard can cause damage to your enamel and gums. Instead, it is recommended to brush your teeth gently in circular motions for at least two minutes, twice a day.

Myth 2: Flossing is not important.

Some patients believe that flossing is not necessary since they brush their teeth thoroughly. However, flossing plays a crucial role in removing food particles and plaque from between your teeth, where a toothbrush cannot reach. Regular flossing can prevent gum disease and tooth decay.

Myth 3: You should avoid visiting the dentist if you have sensitive teeth.

Patients with sensitive teeth may avoid visiting the dentist due to fear of pain or discomfort during a dental exam. However, it’s crucial to get regular dental checkups to address underlying issues causing sensitivity and for early detection of cavities or gum disease. Your dentist can recommend solutions such as desensitizing toothpaste or fluoride treatments to alleviate tooth sensitivity.

Myth 4: Teeth whitening is harmful to your teeth.

Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental treatment but is often associated with damaging tooth enamel. However, when done correctly by a dental professional with the right equipment, teeth whitening is perfectly safe and can result in a brighter, more confident smile. It’s essential to consult with your dentist before opting for teeth whitening.

Myth 5: Dental treatments are too expensive.

Many patients avoid dental treatments due to the perception of high costs. However, neglecting dental issues can lead to more significant problems, which can be even more expensive to treat. It’s important to check with your dental insurance plan to understand your benefits and options for financing dental treatment.


Debunking dental misconceptions is crucial for maintaining good oral health. From brushing your teeth the right way to the truth about teeth whitening, it’s essential to have accurate information. Remember to always schedule regular dental check-ups and consult with your professional dentist about any concerns or questions you may have about dental care. Proper knowledge and care can ensure lifelong oral health.

Preventing Cavities: Tips from Your Dentist

Preventing Cavities: Tips from Your Dentist

Cavities are a common dental problem that affects both children and adults. While they may seem minor, cavities can lead to serious dental issues such as infections and tooth decay. Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to prevent cavities and maintain good oral health. In this blog post, we will discuss the best ways to prevent cavities and keep your teeth healthy and strong.

1. Brush and Floss Regularly

One of the best ways to prevent cavities is to maintain good oral hygiene habits. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. This will help remove food particles and plaque from your teeth that can lead to cavities. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to protect your teeth from decay.

2. Eat a Healthy Diet

The foods you eat can have a big impact on your oral health. Avoid sugary and acidic foods that can damage your teeth and lead to cavities. Instead, eat a balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Drinking water with fluoride can also help strengthen your teeth and prevent cavities.

3. Use Mouthwash

Mouthwash can be a great addition to your oral hygiene routine. Look for a mouthwash that contains fluoride and use it after brushing and flossing. This will help in killing bacteria and also preventing cavities from forming. Be sure to follow the instructions on the label and never swallow mouthwash.

4. Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Regular dental checkups and cleanings are essential for preventing cavities. Your dentist can detect early signs of cavities and treat them before they become a bigger problem. They can also clean your teeth and remove plaque and tartar buildup that can lead to cavities. Be sure to visit your dentist at least twice a year for checkups and cleanings.

5. Consider Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are a protective coating that is applied to the chewing surfaces of your back teeth. They can help prevent cavities by sealing off the grooves and crevices where bacteria and food particles can collect. Sealants are a simple and effective way to protect your teeth from decay.

Cavities can be a major dental problem, but they are also preventable. By following these simple tips, you can maintain good oral hygiene by preventing cavities from developing. Remember to brush and floss regularly, eat a healthy diet, use mouthwash, visit your dentist regularly, and consider dental sealants. By prioritizing your oral health, you can keep your teeth strong and healthy for years to come.

Family Dentist in Bowie, Maryland

Are you in search of a dentist who truly cares about your dental health and overall wellbeing? Look no further than Dr. Abiodun Adesanya at My Bowie Dentist.

With years of experience and a commitment to providing top-quality care to each and every patient, Dr. Adesanya is dedicated to helping you achieve optimal oral health. Whether you’re in need of a routine cleaning or a more complex procedure, he and his expert team are here to ensure that you feel comfortable and confident throughout the entire process.

Why settle for subpar dental care when you can trust the best in the business? Contact Dr. Abiodun Adesanya at My Bowie Dentist today to schedule your appointment and take the first step towards a healthier, happier smile. Let us show you why we’re the go-to choice for dental care in Bowie and beyond.

Myths About Root Canal Treatment

Debunking Common Myths About Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is a common dental procedure that removes damaged or infected tissue from inside your tooth. It is often feared, but in reality, it’s a routine procedure that can save your tooth and prevent further damage. Let’s take a look at some common myths about root canal treatment to better understand the facts.

Myth #1 Root Canals are Painful

This is perhaps the most pervasive myth about root canals. In fact, many people believe that root canals are even more painful than an extraction! However, modern treatments have made root canals much less invasive and much less painful than they once were. With local anesthetic and conscious sedation options available, patients experience very little discomfort during the procedure itself. Additionally, any post-procedure pain should be minimal and easily managed with over-the-counter medications and cold compresses.

Myth #2 Root Canals Lead to Illness

This myth has been around for decades, but there is no scientific evidence to support it. In fact, root canal treatment eliminates infection and bacteria from teeth that could otherwise cause serious health problems if left untreated. As long as you maintain good oral hygiene habits after your treatment—brushing twice daily and flossing at least once—your chances of developing any kind of illness related to root canal treatment are slim to none.

Myth #3 Root Canals Take Multiple Appointments

In some cases this may be true, depending on the severity of the infection or damage in the affected tooth. However, most root canal treatments only take one appointment which typically lasts between 45 minutes and two hours. Afterward, you will return in a few weeks for a follow-up visit where your dentist will check that everything is healing properly – this visit should only last about 15 minutes or so.

For those who need it, root canal treatment is a safe and effective way to treat severe tooth damage or infection without having to extract the tooth entirely. Despite the myths about root canal treatment, modern techniques have made this procedure much easier on both patients and dentists alike – although sedation may be required for particularly anxious patients. If you think you may need a root canal or would like more information about this procedure before making a decision, talk to Dr. Adesanya and his team at My Bowie Dentist today. They’ll be able to provide more insight into whether or not this type of treatment is right for your specific situation.

New Year’s Resolutions to Care for Your Teeth and Gums

The Best New Year’s Resolutions to Care for Your Teeth and Gums

Happy New Year! As we kick off a new year, many of us are thinking about resolutions and goals for the year ahead. If you’re looking to improve your dental health in the new year, we’ve got some fun and easy resolutions for you to consider!

Caring for your teeth and gums is important for your overall health and well-being. Poor dental health can lead to a range of issues, such as tooth decay, gum disease, and even systemic health problems. By implementing a few simple habits, you can improve your dental health and start the year off right.

So without further ado, here are the best New Year’s resolutions to care for your teeth and gums!

Resolution #1: Brush and Floss Twice a Day

One of the easiest and most effective resolutions you can make for your dental health is to brush and floss your teeth twice a day. Brushing and flossing helps remove plaque and bacteria from the teeth and gums, which can prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

If you struggle to make brushing and flossing a daily habit, try setting a reminder on your phone or using a fun-flavored toothpaste to make the experience more enjoyable. You can also try brushing and flossing while watching your favorite TV show or listening to music to make the task more enjoyable.

Resolution #2: Visit the Dentist Regularly

Another important resolution to care for your teeth and gums is to visit the dentist regularly. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings can help catch issues early on and prevent more serious problems from developing.

If the thought of visiting the dentist makes you anxious or stressed, there are ways to make the experience more enjoyable. Consider bringing a friend or loved one with you for support, or bring headphones and listen to your favorite music during the appointment.

Resolution #3: Eat a Balanced Diet

Did you know that what you eat can have a big impact on your dental health? A balanced diet rich in nutrients can support healthy teeth and gums, while a diet high in sugary and acidic foods can contribute to tooth decay and gum disease.

To support your dental health in the new year, consider incorporating more healthy foods into your diet that are good for your teeth and gums. This includes crunchy fruits and vegetables, which can help scrub away plaque, and calcium-rich dairy products, which can help strengthen teeth.

Resolution #4: Quit Smoking and Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can have a negative impact on dental health. Smoking can stain teeth, cause bad breath, and increase the risk of gum disease and oral cancer. Alcohol consumption, especially in excess, can contribute to tooth decay and dry mouth, which can lead to other dental issues.

If you’re a smoker or drink alcohol frequently, consider making the resolution to quit smoking or reduce your alcohol consumption in the new year. Quitting smoking can be challenging, but there are resources available to help, such as nicotine replacement therapy, support groups, and “quit smoking” hotlines.

The Bottom Line

Caring for your dental health is important for overall health and well-being. By making a few simple new year’s resolutions to care for your teeth and gums, you can improve your dental health and start the year off right.

Whether it’s brushing and flossing twice a day, visiting the dentist regularly, eating a balanced diet, or quitting smoking and reducing alcohol consumption, these New Year’s resolutions can help you keep your teeth and gums healthy and your smile bright in the new year.

Keeping Teeth Healthy Around Halloween

5 Tips for Keeping Teeth Healthy Around Halloween

Although experts encourage parents to let their kids have fun on Halloween because one night of candy is not enough to cause cavities, the amount of candy they collect can last for days and affect their oral health. To avoid issues with your family’s dental health, here are five tips that can help you and your children maintain healthy teeth around this season.

1. Drink Water To Balance Mouth pH Levels

Although you can limit candy consumption as much as you want, you cannot avoid having candy around Halloween. Be sure to drink water to help balance the pH levels in your mouth after eating candy, even if you only eat a few pieces.

Also, remind your children to make a habit of drinking water after eating a lot of sugar. You can explain that the water rinses the candy sugar that clings to their teeth and affects their oral health.

2. Chew Gum Containing Xylitol To Control Acid Production

Chewing xylitol products like sugar-free gum is another way to balance the pH levels in your mouth. These products help increase salivation. More saliva means your mouth can wash acids and bacteria to protect your teeth.

Xylitol also helps block acid production to further protect your teeth. You can look for gum containing xylitol in your local drugstore. Consider stocking up on it if you expect your children to bring home buckets of candy after trick-or-treating.

3. Brush Your Teeth To Remove Cavity-causing Bacteria

Be sure to brush your teeth between 30 and 60 minutes after eating sweets. Brushing and flossing correctly remains the best way to keep your teeth free of cavities, especially after eating Halloween candy. When it comes to your kids, consider only allowing them to eat Halloween candy after dinner, so they can brush their teeth in time for bed.

4. Sort Your Candy To Avoid Tooth Decay

You can control what kinds of candy you buy for your kids this season, but you never know what they will bring home after a night of trick-or-treating. Once they come home, encourage them to sort through their candy and leave certain ones for special occasions.

For example, your kids can keep the fun-sized candy and save the full-sized ones for later. Also, you can help them categorize their candy according to their types, like soft, sticky, and hard candy.

Soft candy like marshmallows will be easier on their teeth. However, sticky sweets like caramels can stick to their teeth and promote tooth decay. Likewise, hard candy dissolves slowly, giving bacteria more sugar to turn into acid. Consider limiting the harmful candy types.

5. Exchange Your Candy for Money

After sorting through your candy and finding some to discard, you can exchange it for money through a local Halloween Candy Buyback program near you. This way, nothing goes to waste, and your kids can even be part of a bigger cause.

Enjoy Halloween Candy Responsibly

Overall, the best tip to maintain good oral health is to balance the sugar levels in the mouth to control bacteria formation. Otherwise, you may be due for extractions once the sugar causes cavities. Keep these tips in mind and see which ones you can implement in your household.

Fall Dental Tips

5 Fall Dental Tips You Need To Know

Oral hygiene must be prioritized year-round. But, this is even more crucial than during the autumn season.

Fall is upon us and you know what that means: trick or treat, hefty Thanksgiving feasts, and cups of pumpkin spice latte. It’s the season for sweet foods and it’s time that we take a moment to prepare our teeth for all the treats we’re about to eat.

In this guide, we’ll share with you the essential Fall dental tips you need to know to keep your teeth healthy and your dental hygiene on point just in time.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water can do wonders to your overall dental health. For one, it can wash away leftover food particles and protect your teeth. For another, it keeps your mouth moist, which can prevent bacteria build-up. Besides this, water also contains minerals that can effectively strengthen your teeth and maintain your enamel coating.

Minimize Sugary Beverages and Candies

As much as fall is a season for sugary treats, you need to control your temptations and keep your sweets intake to a minimum. If you really want to indulge in pumpkin pie, apple pie, and candy on the holidays, you need to compensate by giving up on coffee, soda, or energy drinks. As you well know, drinking and eating too much sweets can cause cavities, which can then lead to tooth decay. Because of this, it’s imperative that you follow a healthy and well-balanced diet without going overboard on all things sugar.

Maintain Proper Oral Hygiene

We can’t stress this enough. Practicing good oral hygiene is a necessity to keeping your teeth healthy. Simple tasks like brushing at least twice a day, flossing regularly, and using antibacterial mouthwash are extremely effective in helping you achieve optimal oral health.

Make sure to switch out your old toothbrush with a new one every three to four months. Bacteria tends to collect on the bristles of your toothbrush over time, so it’s recommended that you change your toothbrush regularly.

Use Fluoride Treatments

Taking advantage of the available fluoride treatments your dentist has is beneficial if you want to not just whiten your teeth but also strengthen your natural enamel. Enamel is an integral component of your oral health because it can protect your molars and choppers from acid damage usually caused by bacteria.

Make Routine Visits To Your Dentist

Finally on our fall dental tips, we highly encourage you to visit your dentist regularly. It’s one of the best ways to keep dental problems at bay and ensure that you protect your overall oral health. Whether it be tooth cleaning or examination, our specialists at My Bowie Dentist can help you improve your dental hygiene for fall and every other season of the year.

Schedule an appointment today with Dr. Abiodun Adesanya by contacting our offices at (301) 464-1800, or filling out our form. We can’t wait to help you improve your oral health and make you feel more confident in your smile this fall season.

10 Best Reasons To Have Your Teeth Professionally Whitened

The 10 Best Reasons To Have Your Teeth Professionally Whitened

Your teeth are the focal point of your smile. Light up the room with your grin by having your teeth professionally whitened. Here are 10 of the reasons why you should work with us to get this done!

  1. Enhance Your Confidence

By trusting in our teeth whitening services, you can achieve a brand new level of confidence. After getting your teeth whitened, you can smile with confidence and show off your pearly whites to leave a lasting impression on everyone you meet.

  1. Become More Attractive

Having white teeth makes your appearance look more polished and clean and could possibly make you look more intelligent and friendly. Professionally whitened teeth are the key to achieving the perfect smile that you desire.

  1. Surprise Your Peers

Many of our clients choose to have their teeth whitened before a special occasion. Whether it’s a party, a birthday, or a date, they’ve mentioned that arriving with whiter teeth leaves their companions in awe. It easily makes them stand out from a crowd with their dazzling smile.

  1. Ensure Your Teeth’s Safety

We recommend getting your teeth professionally whitened because it provides an in-depth assessment of their condition. This is to ensure that there are no current issues or damage. Many underlying issues may not be visible or evident at first glance and often worsen with time if left untreated. With that, it is best to get your teeth professionally whitened and examined.

  1. Achieve Effective Results

Getting your teeth whitened by a professional is the best and most effective way to achieve genuine results. There is no guarantee of how long at-home and DIY methods take to work. By going to a professional, you can rest assured that you will receive real and satisfying results.

  1. Avoid Gum Irritation

Another downside to using DIY products with whitening strips is that they may irritate your gums. With professional teeth whitening, we utilize a special protection agent to ensure that all parts of your mouth remain safe throughout the procedure.

  1. Gain Swift Results

Professional teeth whitening sessions only take up to an hour at most. The products we use during the procedure are potent and more concentrated than their OTC equivalents, which allows the teeth to whiten at least 8 shades in one session.

  1. It Makes You Look Younger

Having stained teeth from coffee, tea, tobacco, and various food products can make you and your teeth look older. Having your teeth professionally whitened enhances your youthful glow by helping you achieve a brighter smile.

  1. Works Great With Straight Teeth

Are your teeth newly straightened? Make the finishing touches by getting your teeth professionally whitened. It is the best way to achieve the perfect smile.

  1. Obtain the Best Results

Using DIY products can cause faulty and uneven results. With our services, we make sure to work carefully to ensure that you only receive the best results from your sessions.

Get Your Teeth Professionally Whitened Today

The best way to achieve a bright and stunning smile is to ensure that your teeth are healthy, clean, and white. Get the bright and perfect smile you’ve always wanted by working with us today. Kindly contact us or pay us a visit for more information.

Why You Should Consider Professional Teeth Whitening (1)

Why You Should Consider Professional Teeth Whitening

As the years go by, you might notice that your teeth are no longer as sparkly white as it was before. Teeth discoloration is normal and can be caused by consistent consumption of dark beverages, such as coffee, tea, colas, and wines. Tobacco from cigarettes can also stain your teeth.

Even though it’s normal, you might still feel self-conscious about the discoloration. Fortunately, we can help you regain your confidence and restore your smile through our whitening services. You might be tempted to think that you’ll just go the DIY route and buy commercial teeth whitening kits. However, there are more advantages to contacting dental experts like us for this process. Plus, we also have On The Go and Take Home whitening systems for you.

Here are the reasons to consider professional teeth whitening:

Even Teeth Whitening

When you visit us for your teeth whitening consultation, we will help you determine whether the discoloration is external or internal. The former means the stains come from food, drinks, and other lifestyle choices. Although these respond well to home whitening kits, you can’t guarantee that you’ll be able to apply the cream or gel evenly and get uniform whitening.

Internal stains may be caused by exposure to tetracycline, an antibiotic, or high amounts of fluoride in childhood. This type needs more advanced whitening treatments, which you can only receive from dentists. Depending on the condition of your teeth, we may suggest getting veneers or porcelain crowns.


Aside from even whitening, you can be sure that the solutions and treatments we apply to your mouth are medical-grade and safe to ingest in small amounts. Some store-bought kits also have adverse side effects, like extreme teeth sensitivity and enamel damage. Our On The Go and Take Home whitening systems are specifically developed to ensure safe whitening if you want to continue your treatment at home.

Quicker and Longer-Lasting Results

Professional whitening will make you see results in as soon as one hour. We use more concentrated medical-grade whitening agents that can lighten your teeth by six to eight shades in an hour. Alternatively, most commercial whitening treatments require a consistent application that will only whiten your teeth by one or two shades after weeks or months of use. We also guarantee longer-lasting results as long as you follow our after-care recommendations.


As mentioned above, we’ll assess whether your tooth discoloration is caused by internal or external staining. We also consider other factors, such as teeth condition, especially if there’s more damage to your teeth. We’ll craft a customized treatment approach based on your needs and preferences.


Getting your whitening done by a professional is more convenient. You just have to sit on our chair and leave the work to us. In the end, you get to enjoy your beautiful smile with no effort.


Bowie Dentist you keep your smile sparkling white with regular check-ups and touch-ups. Often, it’s the first few sessions that require thorough treatment. Once we’ve achieved the perfect shade, we just have to meet after every three or six months.


Professional teeth whitening offers more benefits than over-the-counter whitening kits. You’re assured of even whitening, safe procedures, and methods, quicker and long-lasting results, as well as convenient and customized treatment and maintenance plans.

Toothbrushing Mistakes You Make and How To Fix Them

Toothbrushing Mistakes You Make and How To Fix Them

Brushing your teeth might seem like a simple activity, but in truth, most of us don’t actually have good tooth brushing practices. Fortunately, it’s never too late to adjust your habits for healthier teeth and gums. Here are six common toothbrushing mistakes that you should start fixing.

Picking the Wrong Toothbrush

To pick the right toothbrush, you need to take several factors into account. Look for a brush that has soft bristles, which are flexible enough to bend and get right under your gums. Hard bristles don’t clean effectively and can actually wear down your tooth structure. The size of the brush head is also important, as you will want it to fit comfortably in your mouth. Lastly, look for the American Dental Association seal of approval.

Now, because it’s difficult to find the perfect brush, you might want to hang onto yours longer than you should. Change your brush every 3 to 4 months, or when bristles get bent or discolored. You should also change your toothbrush out after you’ve been sick. Don’t share your toothbrush with anyone else either and store it in the open air to keep mold or bacteria from growing.

Using the Wrong Motions

You might think that scrubbing your teeth vigorously is what’s going to get them sparkling clean, but it can actually do more harm than good. Plaque, which is what causes gum diseases and tooth decay, is soft. Instead of scrubbing back-and-forth, left-to-right, think “massage” and instead do small, circular, up-and-down motions starting from your gums.

Forgetting the Gum Line

You might be diligent about brushing the outside of your teeth and the chewing surfaces, but do you also brush along the gum line and the inside of your teeth? Most people tend to miss those areas, which leads to a build-up of bacteria. To brush along your gum line, use a 45-degree angle and flexible bristles. Don’t forget to brush your tongue and the inside of your teeth either.

Cutting the Time Short

If you’re late for school or work, it can be tempting to do a few strokes and call it done. You should brush at least twice a day for 2 minutes each time. Use your phone to set a timer or play a song in the 2–3-minute range to help you keep track.

In addition, you need to ensure that you go the extra mile for at least one of your two brushing sessions in a day. That involves the addition of thorough flossing and mouthwash rinse. Stirring up the bacteria in your mouth once every day helps keep them less productive and dangerous.

Going in Right After a Meal

After a meal, you might assume that you should brush immediately to get rid of anything stuck in your teeth. This is actually bad practice as the acid sitting in your mouth coupled with the abrasives from brushing will erode your teeth faster. Ideally, you should wait 15 to 20 minutes to allow your saliva to work on the acid or rinse your mouth with water before brushing.

Neglecting To Visit Your Dentist

While the toothbrushing method mentioned above is recommended for most patients, there are, however, other toothbrushing methods that your dental hygienist may recommend to ensure you don’t make any toothbrushing mistakes. There are modifications for pediatric, special needs, periodontal, and orthodontic patients. It’s important to talk with your dental hygienist and dentist to ensure you know which toothbrushing method may be right for you.

Visiting the dentist doesn’t have to be scary, and they will be more than happy to help you with your toothbrushing mistakes or habits. If you’re looking for a family dentist, schedule an appointment with Dr. Abiodun Adesanya and our awesome team at My Bowie Dentist. With the best dentist in Bowie, MD, you can start your journey towards healthier teeth and gums today. Schedule your appointment by calling 301-464-1800 today.

How Does Dental Insurance Work

How Does Dental Insurance Work?

For many of us, a new year means new insurance, and although you may believe that having and using one is vital, for many of us, understanding their dental insurance can be quite confusing. Maximums, deductibles, exclusions, networks, waiting periods, missing teeth clauses – this all might end you up scratching your head and wondering, ”how does dental health insurance work?’

But do not fret anymore; we have especially put together this post to help you decipher and understand what dental plans are and how it works to help you get the most out of your insurance.

What is Dental Insurance?

It is a form of insurance that helps individuals to pay for their dental care. Although each dental insurance plan’s features and particulars differ, they generally include coverage for preventive care such as routine checkups, cleaning, and x-rays. Additionally, most plans for insurance that pays for treatment by a dentist also include coverage for dental services like root canals, fillings, crowns, extractions, and in some cases, orthodontics.

The insurance plan you select will dictate how much you and the insurance company will pay, and it might even infer which dentist you’ll have to visit to redeem the insurance. Several people do not realize this but understanding your coverage can help you significantly help take advantage of the insurance plan and know what you’re responsible for.

How Does Dental Insurance Work?

Finding a decent dentist is the easiest piece of the puzzle, once you find one, you’d want to know how much you’ll have to pay for a visit. Now, this depends entirely on the pre-determined particulars of your dental services insurance plan. Mostly, dental care plans use a calendar year approach to establish when certain benefits are available for use.

The dental office is usually responsible for verifying your plan and establishing how much you’ll be expected to pay. Post your dental visit, a request for payment, also known as a ”claim”, is sent to your insurance coverage organization. The company reviews and processes the claim to explain how it will be paid (EOB or explanation of benefits).

Ultimately, your financial obligation is based on your dental care plan’s specifics and the treatment you receive. Some particulars of your plan might include the following:

Annual Maximum: The maximum amount of payment the insurance company will cover during the benefit year. Once it is reached, additional expenses will have to be paid from your pocket.

Deductibles: The amount you pay before the insurance firm pays anything.

Coinsurance: Once the deductible is met, a percentage of the treatment cost will have to be paid by you. For example, you might have to pay 30 percent for the cost of a major procedure.

Exclusions: Products or services that will not be covered through insurance.

Co-Pay: Fixed charge for a specific procedure.

Limits: Several dental care plans have time limits for specific procedures. For instance, your insurance plan might cover two cleanings per year, but only if six months have passed between them.

Preauthorization: Some dental plans might require you to get approval from the insurance company before the commencement of treatment.

Pre-Existing Conditions: some dental plans do not pay for pre-existing conditions that you might have had before signing up for their plan.

Waiting Period: Major procedures like crowns or teeth replacement are not covered in some insurance plans until a specific amount of time has passed.

Dentist in Bowie, Maryland

Hopefully, this blog post helped you understand how insurance works and why it is integral to understand your dental care plan. Knowing how the insurance works will eventually allow you to make better dental care choices and lead to a healthier and happier smile!

Our dental team is always here to help you achieve optimal dental care while optimizing the benefits of your insurance. Call us at (301) 464-1800 to book an appointment or check our website to learn more about our dental products and services.